Red Alert - #NightofLight2020.


The nationwide #NightofLight2020.

Red alert: We are one of 8,200 companies and organizations nationwide that sent their red-glowing appeal into the night sky on the night of June 22 as part of the nationwide #NightofLight2020 campaign. With this, we want to support the initiators, who would like to talk to politicians about suitable assistance for the event industry.
The economic importance of the event industry

What many may not know: The event industry is numerically the sixth largest industry in Germany, it generates about 130 billion euros in sales and employs a total of 1.5 million people (source: Research Institute for Exhibition and Live-Communication (RIFEL):VERANSTUNGSBRANCHE, report on the medium-term consequences of Corona, Berlin March 2020).

Our red shining company building.
© by HALLMANN Messebau & Design

First In - Last Out.

The size and economic importance is perhaps not so easy to see because this industry is extremely heterogeneous. It consists of a finely spun web of extremely heterogeneous service providers. And this web is currently stretched to the breaking point through no fault of its own as a result of the Corona pandemic. After all, four months without revenue is extremely stressful for many companies and solo self-employed people, and the light at the end of the tunnel is not yet in sight. But the net must not be allowed to tear - not even at its weakest points. Because the industry thrives on precisely this lively heterogeneity, the big players and smaller service providers, the creative thinkers and tangible doers, tinkerers, individualists and (life) artists who burn for their work. If many of these companies do not master the compulsory marathon, this special diversity will die. The exhibitors will then also feel the effects. In this respect, not only the industry itself is in danger, but also the event market, which is after all the third largest in the world.
The invisible make themselves visible

A testament to professionalism and beauty - for all its despair.

In normal times, the industry puts on the big shows for others - and remains in the background itself. Monday night was a notable exception to this rule. And so thousands of buildings were bathed in red light during the night. Each building as a node in an invisible network that must be preserved as a whole at all costs! {{picture:2}}

The "flaming appeal" was so impressive overall that many people mistook it for an art installation. A testament to professionalism and beauty - for all its despair.

Text: Petra Hallmann

Bird's eye view of our red glowing building.
© by HALLMANN Messebau & Design

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